It's a bird....
It's a plane...
No, it's Birdman!
The news organizations seem to have missed this item. This past week while most Americans were distracted with the Presidential debate and the financial crisis, Leonardo's dream was realized in Europe.
A model of
Leonardo da Vinci's
flying machine
On September 25th, 50-year old Swiss pilot Yves Rossy flew solo across the English Channel like Buzz Lightyear with a $285,000 jet-powered carbon fiber wing strapped to his back. The historic trip from Calais France to Dover England was captured live by National Geographic for a future TV program.
I'm sure we will hear more about it eventually, but I've got to hand it to Mr. Rossy, he certainly knows how to have fun and put on a good show. There are parallels between creating a piece of experimental art and his breathtaking aeronautic adventure. Both are risky ventures born of a creative mind aimed to inspire the public. Although Rossy's chosen from of expression - which could easily qualify as Performance Art - comes with inherent physical risks, the fundamental goals and objectives of any artist are the essentially the same. We are all actors on the big stage, vying for your attention, praise, and applause.